What are the advanced C++ interview questions and answers?
C++ is still as relevant today as it was during its advent in the mid-80s. It’s a powerful general-purpose programming language as it can be used to develop operating systems, browsers, games, etc.
C++ supports different ways of programming like procedural, object-oriented, functional, and so on.
If you want to further improve your C++ language skills, here are some of the best C++ interview questions to help you out.
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10 Advanced C++ Interview Questions and Answers
1. What is a mutable storage class specifier? How can it be used?
A mutable storage class specifier is used only on the class’s non-static and non-constant member variables. It’s used for altering the constant class object’s member by declaring it. This can be done by using a storage class specifier.
You can’t use the mutable specifier with names declared as static or const or reference members.

2. What are the differences between a shallow and a deep copy?
Shallow Copy | Deep Copy |
It stores the references of objects to the original memory address. | It stores copies of the object’s value. |
It reflects changes made to the new/copied object in the original object. | It doesn’t reflect changes made to the new/copied object in the original object. |
It stores the copy of the original object and points the references to the objects. | It stores the copy of the original object and recursively copies the objects as well. |
It’s faster. | It’s comparatively slower. |
3. What is an abstract class in C++?
An abstract class in C++ is referred to as the base class, which has at least one pure virtual function and is designed to be specifically used as a base class.
You declare a pure virtual function by using a pure specifier ( = 0 ) in the declaration of a virtual member function in the class declaration.

4. Can we have a string primitive data type in C++?
A primitive type is a data type where the values it can represent have a straightforward nature (a number, a character, or a truth value). The primitive types are the most basic building blocks for any programming language and are the base for more complex data types.
We cannot have a String Primitive data type in C++. Instead, we can have a class from the Standard Template Library (STL).
5. What is the function of scope resolution operator in C++?
The scope resolution operator refers to the out-of-scope global variable or member function. It’s denoted by the double colon (::) symbol.
Functions of the scope resolution operator include the following:
They help to resolve the scope of various global variables.
When defined outside the class, a function allows associating the function with the class.

6. What are the C++ tokens?
Generally, a token is an object that represents something else, such as another object (physical or virtual), or an abstract concept, such as a gift, sometimes referred to as a symbol of the giver’s respect for the recipient.
A token is a name given to various functions in C++ programs. Examples of tokens include a keyword, symbol, string literal, identifier, constant, etc.
7. What is the diamond problem?
The diamond problem in C++ occurs when two superclasses of a class have a common base class, representing the inability of the programming language to support hybrid inheritance using multiple and hierarchical inheritances.
8. What is a block scope variable?
Block scope is the definition of a variable within a block of code, such as a for loop or if statement, and a variable specified as a block using C++ that can be declared anywhere within the block.

9. How is the data hiding concept achieved in C++?
Access specifiers define how members of a class (attributes and methods) can be accessed.
C++ supports data hiding and, accordingly, data abstraction and encapsulation by creating user-defined types known as classes. Members of this generated class are scoped by keywords known as access specifiers.
10. What is a “translation unit” in C++?
According to standard C++, a translation unit is the basic compilation unit in C++. It consists of the contents of a single source file and any header file directly or indirectly included in it; lines are ignored by conditional preprocessing statements.
A translation unit consists of:
- Contents of a source file
- Plus contents of files included directly or indirectly
- Minus source code lines ignored by any conditional preprocessing directives ( the lines ignored by #ifdef,#ifndef, etc.)

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