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Node.JS Developer Resume Guide & Pro Tips

February 17, 2022

If you’re trying to write a perfect Node.JS developer resume but feeling overwhelmed with the amount of information out there on the internet, you’ve come to the right place.

This guide will help you write an effective resume that immediately grasps the recruiters’ attention.

A strong Node.JS developer resume is a key to the door of opportunities. Node JS jobs are highly competitive among STEM graduates. Therefore, it’s important to demonstrate your skills in a clear, coherent, and confident manner, making all the difference.

Check out our guide for tips and a Node.JS developer resume example.

1. Contact information and headline

As with any other resume, your contact information should be listed clearly. Include your full name, portfolio link, email address, and phone number. On top of that, you can add a link to your professional profile if it’s relevant to the role you’re applying for.

Including your skills and experience in your headline can quickly convey crucial information to recruiters.

This is a chance to showcase your competencies that set you apart from the rest of the candidates. Writing something as simple as “5+ years experienced Node.js developer” can make a big difference as it allows recruiters to understand better who you are from the very beginning.

node.js resume

2. Your experience and skills

Highlight your skills and experience in the industry. In most cases, the number of years in the field determines your seniority in the position. As for the experience, you should try using action verbs and keywords in the position’s job description to tailor your resume to the organization’s expectations. For example, suppose the employer’s requirements state that a candidate should possess a strong knowledge of database development. In that case, highlight your skills in that area with relevant keywords in your resume to meet their requirements.

Many organizations use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to filter out candidates by searching for specific keywords on their resumes. This is an automated process that narrows the pool of potential candidates. Therefore, including keywords outlined in the job description will help ensure your resume proceeds to the next stage, where an actual person will review it.

3. Work experience timeline

Here you should show the recruiter how you’ve evolved throughout your career. This section in your resume demonstrates best the value you can add to the company. You should include two to three most recent and relevant roles. Use bullet points, action verbs and quantifiable results to show your accomplishments and duties.

Keep the language simple and clear. Make it as concise as possible without including irrelevant information to avoid overwhelming the reader.

node.js resume

4. Educational details

As for the education section, you should include the relevant certifications to showcase your expertise in the field. Of course, the certifications alone do not guarantee you will land a job. However, these certifications act as proof that you possess the necessary knowledge and skills.

On top of that, mention your educational background, name of the university or school you attended, dates of attendance, GPA, etc., in chronological order. This will help the recruiter to get to know you a little better.

node.js resume

5. Format of the resume

When it comes to resume formats, there are three commonly used resume formats:

  • Functional resumes focus more on skills rather than professional work experience. This resume format is most commonly used by career changers, students, or less experienced job seekers.
  • Chronological resumes focus on your work experience, starting with the most recent job roles first. This format emphasizes past career growth and development, allowing you to include the name of the former employer that might be significant to the prospective employer. However, this format is not recommended for people with career breaks or those who are at the start of their careers.
  • Combination (hybrid) resumes are a mix of functional and reverse-chronological formats, drawing equal attention to both work experience and skill-set sections. Therefore, this format is recommended for people with different career backgrounds as it creates equal space for both skills and experience. Hybrid resumes generally have double-column formats, where one column is focused on work experience, whereas the other column addresses the candidate’s skills, strengths, and achievements.

6. Skills required for the Node JS

See how you stack up with these 5 essential skills for React developers. (If you are a Junior developer, you may not need to know all the technologies.)

Node JS: Know Node.js and know it well. It’s not enough to just know how to use whatever web application framework you’ve chosen, you should understand how core Node.js works and be very familiar with the Node.js API.

JavaScript: The “.js” in Node.js stands for JavaScript – the language used. As such, Node.js users should be well-acquainted with the JavaScript programming language.

Web application frameworks: Web application framework is a software framework that is designed to support the development of web applications including web services, web resources, and web APIs. One of the most essential dependencies of any Node.js web application will be the web application framework.

Databases: Your Node.js codebase won’t be enough to run your web application. You’ll also need to know how to store dynamic data in a persistence layer like a database.

Cloud platforms: You’re not going to serve your web application from your personal computer, so it’s best to get comfortable with a cloud platform that you can deploy it to.

node.js resume

With TalentGrid, you don’t have to worry about constantly checking job listing platforms to find your dream job. TalentGrid sends you open positions that have been matched with your skills, preferences, and salary expectations, wiping out territorial boundaries as it offers remote/relocation options with companies all over the world.

TalentGrid not only saves developers and companies a significant amount of time by placing all the information regarding open tech positions, latest employer trends and preferences, salary expectations, and more in one place but also reduces the stress of finding that dream job or an open-minded, flexible employer.

References: Indeed, CareerCloud

Ready to complete your free profile and find your next role in tech? Sign up today!

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