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Top Spring Boot Interview Questions & Answers

March 21, 2022


What are the most frequently asked Spring Boot interview questions?

Spring Boot is constantly finding new ways to streamline the application creation process. Today, it’s one of the most commonly used technologies with Java for building web applications.

Spring Boot is a Spring module that provides RAD (Rapid Application Development) capability to the Spring framework.

It’s used to create a standalone spring-based application that you can run as it needs minimal spring configuration.

So let’s take a look at the most frequently asked Spring Boot interview questions together!

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10 Advanced Spring Boot Interview Questions and Answers

1. What is the main difference between Spring and Spring boot?

Spring is an open-source lightweight framework that allows Java EE 7 developers to build simple, reliable and scalable enterprise applications.
This framework uses a variety of new techniques to develop enterprise applications, such as Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP), Plain Old Java Object (POJO), and dependency inclusion (DI).

Spring framework can be thought of as a collection of sub-frameworks, also called layers, like Spring AOP. Spring Object-Relational Mapping (Spring ORM). Spring Web Stream and Spring Web MVC. You can use any of these modules individually when building a Web application. Modules can be grouped together to provide better functionality in a Web application.

Spring Boot:
Spring Boot is built on top of the traditional spring framework.
Therefore, it contains all the features of the spring and is easier to use than the spring. Spring Boot is a microservices-based framework and makes a production-ready application in less time. In Spring Boot, everything is configured automatically. It’s very useful when developing REST API.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Spring Boot?

Let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of Spring Framework:

Easy development
No war files deployment
Standalone applications
Tomcat, Jetty, or Undertow embedding
No XML configuration
Less source code
Out-of-the-box functionality
Easy start
Simple setup and management

Lack of control
Not suitable for large scale projects
Hard to convert to a Spring Boot application

3. How to create a Spring Boot application using Maven?

There are multiple approaches to creating a Spring Boot project. You can use one of the following approaches to create an application.

  • Spring Maven Project
  • Spring Starter Project Wizard
  • Spring Initializr
  • Spring Boot CLI

4. What is Spring Boot dependency management?

Spring Boot automatically manages dependencies and configuration. Each version of Spring Boot provides a list of the dependencies it supports. You don’t need to specify a version for any of these dependencies.

Spring Boot automatically upgrades all dependencies whenever you update the Spring Boot version.

5. What are the Spring Boot properties?

Spring Boot provides properties that can be specified in projects’ application.properties file. These properties have default values, and you can set these values inside the properties file.

Spring Boot Property has sixteen categories:

  • Cache Properties
  • Mail Properties
  • JSON Properties
  • Data Properties
  • Transaction Properties
  • Data Migration Properties
  • Integration Properties
  • Web Properties
  • Template Properties
  • Server Properties
  • Security Properties
  • RSocket Properties
  • Actuator Properties
  • DevTools Properties
  • Test Properties
  • Application property

6. What is Thymeleaf? How do you use Thymeleaf?

Thymeleaf is a Java-based library used to build web applications. It provides good support for presenting an XHTML/HTML5 in web applications. Its main purpose is to bring elegant natural templates to your web application.

It can be integrated with the Spring Framework and is ideal for HTML5 Java web applications.

To be able to use Thymeleaf, we have to add it to our pom.xml file as follows:

7. What is @RequestMapping annotation in Spring Boot?

The @RequestMapping annotation is used to provide routing information. It’s the most commonly used annotation in Spring MVC.

It informs Spring that any HTTP request must match the corresponding method. It’s necessary to import the ‘org.springframework.web.annotation’ package into the project file.

For a detailed example on @RequestMapping, you can check the page in the link.

8. How do you use JDBC with Spring Boot?

Spring Boot provides starters and libraries for connecting applications with JDBC.
For simple database operations, using JDBC is easier and more efficient than using Hibernate. The spring framework provides the JdbcTemplate class that simplifies coding with JDBC. The code examples in this tutorial have been tested with Spring Boot 2.1.8 and MySQL database.

1. Create Database
2. Create Spring Boot Project
3. Configure Database Connection Properties
4. Code Java Model class
5. Code Spring Boot JDBC Application

9. What are the possible sources of external configuration?

Most of our applications are supported by external services such as database server, SMS gateway, or services such as PayPal.
Such services may exist in more than one environment. If we want to connect to the production environment, we must first go through the development environment. This means that we will need to switch between these environments as we develop our applications. This is because configuration data such as connection settings are unique per environment.

External configuration sources are as follows:

Application Properties: By default Spring Boot looks for application properties file or YAML file in current directory, classpath root or configuration directory to load features.

Command line properties: Spring Boot provides command line arguments and converts these arguments to properties.

Profile-specific properties: These properties are loaded from the application-{profile}.properties file or the YAML file.

10. How to handle exception in Spring Boot?

Spring Boot provides tools for you to handle exceptions beyond simple ‘try-catch’ blocks. To use these tools, you need to implement a few annotations that will allow you to treat exception handling as a common concern:

@ResponseStatus: @ResponseStatus enables you to modify the HTTP status of your response.

@ExceptionHandler: @ExceptionHandler is an annotation used to handle specific exceptions and send client-specific responses.

@ControllerAdvice: Spring Boot provides a helpful way to handle exceptions using the @ControllerAdvice annotation.

If you’re feeling prepared for your Spring Boot interview, now it’s time to meet a job opportunity that’s right for you!

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